Atlantic Heating & Air Solutions, LLC - Savannah & Tybee

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What Is a Hybrid Central Heating System?

There are different types of central heating systems. Some of them consist of an electric or gas-powered furnace, whereas others consist of a heat pump. A third option, however, is a hybrid central heating system. Hybrid central heating systems are still relatively new, so they aren’t found in as many homes. Nonetheless, they’re becoming more and more popular thanks to their efficient operation.

The Basics of a Hybrid Central Heating System

Also known as a dual-fan central heating system, a hybrid central heating system consists of two independent heating systems: a traditional furnace and a heat pump. Most homes only have a single heating system. Homes with a hybrid central heating system have a furnace and a heat pump.

How a Hybrid Central Heating System Works

A hybrid central heating system will warm your home by running either the furnace or heat pump. Whether electric or gas, furnaces will almost always consume more energy than heat pumps. With that said, furnaces also produce more heat than heat pumps.

With a hybrid central heating system, you can switch between your home’s furnace and heat pump. During mild winter weather, you can use the heat pump. On the colder winter days, you can switch to your home’s furnace.

Benefits of a Hybrid Central Heating System

What benefits does a hybrid central heating system offer exactly? Even if your home has a heat pump, it may not create a sufficient amount of heat. A heat pump can cool your home, and it can warm your home. Since they work by transferring heat, though, heat pumps don’t produce as much heat as furnaces.

Rather than relying entirely on a heat pump, you can upgrade your home with a hybrid central heating system. It will offer a furnace as an alternative heating solution.

You can program a hybrid central heating system to switch from the heat pump to the furnace at a specific temperature. When the temperature inside of your home drops low enough, the hybrid central heating system will automatically switch over to the furnace. Most hybrid central heating systems also support manual switching. Rather than programming a specific temperature, you can manually switch it from the heat pump to the furnace.

Choosing a hybrid central heating system may save you money in heating expenses. Heat pumps are generally over twice as efficient as furnaces. They still consume some energy, but heat pumps consume far less than furnaces. With a hybrid central heating system, you can use the heat pump to save money.