Adding Freon to your homes cooling system may be the least understood practice in the home improvement industry. Even though there are a few tried and true procedures for this, often there is one proper method for the type of cooling system in question.
my gauges
Make sure the system been properly installed and that there is no moisture in the line set. A correct line set evacuation is critical for maximum efficiency. Replace the filter and clean the coils if needed. One should never check the charge on a system with dirty coils or clogged filters. The blower wheel must also be reasonably clean. A cooling system needs to be able to "push" the proper cfm of air through the ductwork. Often, a simple visual inspection of the evaporator may be used to determine if it is clean or not. Also, not every residential cooling hvac system in cobb county has the same metering device. Find out what type of metering device that is on the equipment that you are working on. This can be done by looking up the model and serial number. Be careful when applying refrigerant gauges, so that you do not let air into the copper line set. Some refridgerants must be added to a system as a liquid. Some can be added as a vapor. Check the side of the jug for instructions. If adding liquid into the hvac system refrigerant loop, be sure to add it in slowly to avoid drowning the compressor. This is commonly called slugging, and is very bad for the longevity of the compressor. Do this process slowly. Use the superheat of subcooling method. If you do not understand these methods, call Atlanta Energy Solutions immediately! After aquiring the target superheat or subcool, be very careful when taking the gauges off the system. Remove the hoses quickly and safety, wearing gloves if need be. Now check the temperature drop inside the house. The drop should be 16-20 degrees differance between the return and the supply registers.