Don’t Overlook HSPF Ratings When Buying a Heat Pump

If you’re planning on buying a heat pump in the near future, you should pay close attention to its Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF) rating. Most air-source heat pumps have an HSPF rating. It represents heating efficiency. By choosing a heat pump with a high HSPF rating, you can rest assured knowing that it will efficiently heat your home without wasting energy.

What Is an HSPF Rating?

An HSPF rating is a measurement of an air-sourced heat pump’s heating efficiency. It ranges from about 8 to 13. The higher a heat pump’s HSPF rating, the more efficient it is at converting energy into heat.

Heat pumps, of course, work by transferring heat. They can cool homes by transferring indoor heat to the outside. Heat pumps can also warm homes by transferring outdoor heat to the inside. Whether a heat pump is in cooling or heating mode, though, it will consume electricity.

HSPF ratings provide insight into the heating efficiency of heat pumps. They take into account total heating output during the fall and winter seasons as well as the total energy consumption during this same period.

HSPF vs SEER Ratings

In addition to HSPF, you may come across Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) ratings. Many heat pumps feature an HSPF rating and a SEER rating, both of which are measurements of efficiency. What’s the difference between these two ratings exactly?

SEER ratings represent cooling efficiency. You can find them on air conditioning systems. Air conditioning systems consume energy to cool indoor spaces, so they typically feature a SEER rating. And like air conditioning systems, heat pumps can cool indoor spaces. You can refer to a heat pump’s SEER rating to determine its cooling efficiency.

Why You Should Choose a Heat Pump With a High HSPF Rating

You can’t ignore the importance of a high HSPF rating when choosing a heat pump. It will save you money on your home’s heating costs.

Heat pumps offer two modes: cooling and heating. When set to heating, heat pumps will consume more energy. They require more energy to transfer outdoor heat to the inside. A high HSPF rating indicates that a heat pump operates efficiently in heating mode.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) now requires all new air-sourced residential heat pumps to have a minimum HSPF rating of 8.2. If your home has an older heat pump, you may want to replace it with a new heat pump that meets the DOE’s requirements.